Networking and Admin

Date added: December 19th, 2022 - (Free)

Network Assistant is a utility that helps users to improve the quality of the Internet connection and, by default, the transfer speed by modifying the […]

Date added: May 4th, 2022 - (Free)

Monitor and get all the info about wi-fi networks into your inventory with Acrylic Wi-Fi, which will provide you with some of the most useful […]

Date added: September 23rd, 2023 - (Free)

With BruteShark, you can completely analyze your network and its traffic with deep processing and other analysis strategies. It will help you ensure you’re not […]

Date added: February 19th, 2024 - (Free)

Homedale is a lightweight application for scanning the Wi-Fi access points in the router and monitoring the signal strength. You have to run the application, […]

Date added: November 23rd, 2022 - (Free)

MyHotSpot allows you to share your internet connections in smaller to medium areas. It can include a home or a business like a hotel, restaurant, […]

Date added: January 12th, 2023 - (Free)

You might be used to running commands if you are a networking specialist. However, you don’t need to be an expert on the command line. […]

Date added: July 26th, 2024 - (Free)

NoMachine allows you to connect to target remote computers and control them, whether you need them for personal reasons or for work. Working on remote […]

Date added: February 7th, 2023 - (Free)

Management of host file is a difficult task, but now you can manage it with HostsMan. Although editing the host file is still complicated, this […]

Date added: February 19th, 2023 - (Free)

PowerPing is a small tool to diagnose network issues and get traceroutes. It is an application that works with the Command Line Interface, so it […]

Date added: December 9th, 2022 - (Demo)

Have you ever felt frustrated teaching a non-techy person to do something on his computer? You can use remote desktop control applications like AeroAdmin to […]

Date added: February 19th, 2023 - (Free)

To secure your data, hide your identity, and keep browsing traffic private, you must use this application to get an encrypted connection. Doffen SSH Tunnel […]

Date added: November 23rd, 2022 - (Free)

Opened Ports Viewer is a networking utility that can provide you with all the open ports available in your network. It is a portable application […]

Date added: December 19th, 2022 - (Free)

DynamicDNS allows you to create a subdomain on your supported parent sites and connect it to specific IP addresses. If you’re looking for a reliable […]

Date added: July 18th, 2021 - (Free)

Wayk Now is a solution that helps you access remote computers in a controlled environment where you can manage the resources that can be accessed. […]

Date added: June 29th, 2023 - (Free)

Distant Desktop is a useful application for controlling remote computers and gives you all the tools you’ll need to share files, send messages, and more. […]