
October 25th, 2023 - Free - 100% Safe
(3 votes, average: 3.67 out of 5)
  • Review

Create playlists and manage your audio content with MusicBee, an excellent option if you want to manage all of the songs you have, play them, and stream podcasts to your device without any problems.

If you’re someone who loves to listen to music, you know how important it is to keep your music files as organized as possible. Ultimately, this gives you the ability to create playlists and always listen to the music you love, depending on your mood. It will also help you keep your content more organized.

To do all of that, you can use MusicBee. This app is designed for people who listen to music regularly and also want to stream podcasts from time to time.

It allows you to import tracks from iTunes or Windows Media Player so that you can access all of the music you might have anywhere.

Thanks to this tool, you can fine-tune the sound with the 15-band and 10-band. You can also utilize audio cards with WASAPI and ASIO support and listen to music without interruption.

You can even use the logarithmic volume scaling or normalize volume streaming, and it will support the needed WinAmp plugins so your music will be enhanced.

Create Playlists and Organize Audio Files

It can be an excellent option to organize all of your media files you might have in one place. Whether you have several services that you use to organize your music or not, this will help you keep all of your music in one place.

It does that by syncing all of your music in one place, allowing you to have your music with this audio app.

To organize your content, you can create playlists according to what you listen to, your mood, and your preferences.

You can also create and edit playlist mixers, which is useful if you only want to listen to music quickly.

Additional Features

It’s not only about the music you own; MusicBee can be so much more than just a music player. It offers you podcast and radio station streaming, too.

You can listen to concerts online, backup your music, and view the statistics of your files and your activity.


Overall, MusicBee is an excellent option if you need one single way to have all of your audio files in one place and organize them easily and. It will sync all of your music and keep it in one place.

Technical details

Latest version:
File name:
MD5 checksum:
File size:
9.18 MB
Supported OS
Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7

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