Rename Expert

May 28th, 2024 - Demo - 100% Safe
(2 votes, average: 4.50 out of 5)
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Rename Expert is a great and lightweight Windows application that will help you batch rename files with various preset actions. It features a set of well-organized tools and additional features that allow you to use it easily.

Make Changes Easily and Restore Them

When you want to rename many files simultaneously, you need a way to automate this. And one of the best ways to do that is via batch renaming the files in question. That’s precisely what Rename Expert does – it helps you rename your files in batches using some very comprehensive and various tools.

You can do so anytime if you’re unhappy with the changes or want to revert them. You can restore the files and use the old settings instead.

For selecting the files you want to rename, you can pick them via quick access to your files and folders. Alternatively, you can drag and drop files into the interface you want to rename and then make changes.

The use is very simple and easy, but if you feel stuck at any point, you can consult the manual included with the application.

Various Preset Functions

You will have several preset functions to make things even easier for you. You can customize various parts of the renaming process using these functions such as replace, insert, move, swap, remove, and change case.

Additionally, you can make changes to file extensions and the settings connected. You can change names for CSV files and numbers. You can also easily copy and move files, set the attributes for files, encrypt or decrypt files, preview the changes you’ve made, and check these files for potential errors you might have made.

And with command-line parameters, you can easily set different parameters and filters to view your organized files. Using these criteria, you can easily sort these subfolders and activate the detailed preview mode.

That way, you’ll see additional information about each file you have.


There are also additional configuration settings and options that you can use to make the experience more complete.

For example, you can remove empty folders after you’ve moved the files out of them, automatically begin the execution of processes, read metadata, apply various filters, and manage extensions such as XML, HTML, LOG, and others. You can also delete the log, build up exclusion lists, and use additional plugins after a custom time.


Rename Expert is a lightweight and simple application that allows you to batch rename files with a variety of additional tools (replace, insert, move, swap, remove, and change case) and use those settings at a later date.

Technical details

Latest version:
File name:
MD5 checksum:
File size:
11.36 MB
Supported OS
Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7
Gillmeister Software

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