
January 21st, 2024 - Free - 100% Safe
(11 votes, average: 2.73 out of 5)
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Vagrant helps you virtualize your development process, allowing you to configure portable development environments easily.

Developers looking for ways to make and tap into portable development environments must reproduce their work effectively on these platforms. You can do that with Vagrant, a tool for developers to easily produce their work on portable development environments.

It allows them to maximize their productivity and improve their workflows.

Work With Your Preferred Environment

It was made for developers who wish to increase their productivity and be more easily available to communicate with their teams. It helps them isolate dependencies with the creation of a single and streamlined, disposable environment.

Note that all editors, browsers, and debuggers will not be excluded from the environments created by this tool.

When you start working with this tool, you’ll notice that it creates the so-called “Vagrantfiles”, which will help the developer move to their preferred environment once they hit the “vagrant up” button.

You’ll see that you’ll have a command prompt in the main window where you can insert commands to control the work of the application.

Improve Your Workflow

With Vagrant, developers can improve their workflow and become much more efficient. For instance, they’ll have the ability to manage boxes easily. Also, they’ll be able to connect to remote Vagrant environments or even stop and delete any traces of these environments easily with just a few commands.

They can also opt for inserting a Vagrant environment into a box, allowing them to get to work quickly. You can see all the available commands by typing “vagrant list-commands”. You’ll get most of your work done with the switches within the app.

But if that is not enough for you, you can use the command line for more precise and advanced orders.


Vagrant allows developers to use different environments easily and improve their workflow.

Technical details

Latest version:
File name:
MD5 checksum:
File size:
273.83 MB
Supported OS
Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7

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