PC App Store

September 16th, 2023 - Free - 100% Safe
(145 votes, average: 3.45 out of 5)
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PC App Store is a free online store by Baidu, where you can get all the latest apps and updates to your Windows computer applications to keep them up to speed.

Baidu is a Chinese international giant that strives to provide its users with the latest technology, including the latest software, through its PC App Store. This store offers users an easy way to quickly and easily get the latest pieces of software.

The great thing about this App Store is its intuitive interface. It can be used by almost anyone, from complete novices to experienced users.

One thing to note is that the apps in this store are made for Windows computers, so you might not find the apps for other OS types.

Get the Latest Apps and Updates

Baidu’s PC App Store is designed to give you access to some of the most common and most popular apps and tools for your Windows PC. The search engine lets you discover the apps you want to use easily and quickly. The app store features built-in tools to help you manage downloads and the apps installed on your computer.

You can browse the numerous apps available through this interface quite easily. You’ll find almost anything ranging from browsers, video, and audio software to system utilities, updates, security, and education tools.

You’ll also find many demos and games on this app that you can download and use.

It Features Built-In Tools

The app store also has built-in tools to help you manage your app library. You’ll be able to keep a close eye on the apps you already have installed, and you’ll be able to find the updates that you’ll need to keep these apps running smoothly.

Also, a log of your actions helps you keep track of what you’re doing while using this tool. It keeps your computer more organized, as you’ll be able to know which apps you have installed. The app store runs in the background and will perform various checks and security scans to stay safe.

There is also an uninstaller within the app store. This uninstaller will help you identify which apps you don’t use that frequently. Then, when you decide you don’t need an app, the uninstaller will help you get rid of the app quickly and easily.

It is an essential part of this app because if you don’t track what you’re installing, you can consume too much space on your computer.


PC App Store is an application by Baidu that allows you to download, manage, and uninstall the apps you get from the App Store. You can also keep track of your activities within the app store and keep your files organized.

Technical details

Latest version:
File name:
MD5 checksum:
File size:
22.17 MB
Supported OS
Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7

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